InsideScience – Public Science in Collaborative Research Projects

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Reflecting Science Accurately: Public Science in the Collaborative Research Projects of InsideScience

Most laypeople have only a limited understanding of what a controlled particle collision is, to say nothing of the purpose of carrying out such a collision. Similarly, the development of robots that resemble humans is often met with unfounded fears. Researchers, conversely, frequently lack the means to illustrate their work and drum up enthusiasm for it among the general public. InsideScience takes up this problem. The goal of this project, which is sponsored by the German Research Foundation, is to foster dialogue between science and society.

Film is a helpful medium toward this end: a balanced mix of film and animation can do wonders to illustrate the theoretical foundation of a particle collision, or shed light on the inner life of a robot. Strengthening scientists’ ability to use new media and communicational tools is integral to the implementation of this project. Targeted workshops and training sessions prepare researchers for action both in front of the camera and behind the scenes. InsideScience makes use of the Internet to distribute the films, thereby ensuring interaction with the general public and stimulating critical dialogue.

The following groups are taking part in InsideScience: Collaborative Research Projects 588, “Humanoid Robots”, and TR9, “Computer-Assisted Theoretical Particle Physics”; ZAK | Centre for Cultural and General Studies; as well as the Public Relations and Marketing Department (PKW) at KIT.

InsideScience - Films from the Knowledge Space 'Particle Physics'

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InsideScience Öffentliche Wissenschaft und neue Medien
Wissenschaft digital kommunizieren

Der Sammelband "Öffentliche Wissenschaft & Neue Medien. Die Rolle der Web 2.0-Kultur in der Wissenschaftsvermittlung" ist jetzt erschienen. Die Veröffentlichung steht auch als kostenloses Download zur Verfügung.

InsideScience spielt europäisch

Um neue Perspektiven auf die Kommunikation von Wissenschaft ging es vom 2. bis 7. Spetember 2012 bei einer internationalen Konferenz an der Université de Lorraine in Nancy. InsideScience präsentierte seine Arbeit dort vor Expertinnen und Experten aus ganz Europa.

Web und Wissenschaft

Wie das Internet die Welt der Forschung verändert, diskutierten die Teilnehmer der International Conference on Science and the Internet 2012 (cosci12) in Düsseldorf. Für InsideScience präsentierte Dr. Klaus Rümmele - Koordinator der Filmproduktion - "New Video and Online Means for Public Science" . IS-Präsentation (PDF, 2 MB)