Public Science - A Necessary Dialogue

The name says it all: With InsideScience, the goal is to make new research questions and discoveries accessible to the general public. But more knowledge does not necessarily imply a greater acceptance of science. The first prerequisite for understanding is a common language. Is this a turn away from technical jargon? Yes, but not at the expense of content.
In addition to removing linguistic barriers, another goal is to facilitate practical access to science. Not everyone is able or willing to approach experts or take advantage of the public offerings at research institutions. This is where the work of InsideScience begins. With its lectures, discussions, exhibits and workshops, InsideScience is taking measures to approach and engage the public by going out of the institutes and into town halls, concert halls and schools. Yet here too, the rule is accessibility, not oversimplification. Science is not stigmatized as a one-sided event that is merely used for PR campaigns. Transparency and dialogue are the key objectives here.
Since dialogue implies two participants, InsideScience also obtains inspiration for further research from the public. A fundamental knowledge of the general population’s questions and opinions is an absolutely necessity for scientists. A lack of interaction with the public is harmful to the democratic legitimization of science.