Come Right In: The Elementary Particle Physics Knowledge Space

Providing individual access points to a complex scientific domain—this is the goal of InsideScience’s “Elementary Particle Physics” Knowledge Space, which consists of short videos arranged according to topic. Users can “stroll” down their own paths through this digital centre of learning, and can link new information with their own previous knowledge.
The InsideScience team hopes you enjoy exploring the new Online Version that has been designed for fast navigation, and that integrates YouTube, Facebook, and feedback tools. Comments are, as always, most welcome!
Knowledge Space (Online Version) |
In addition to the Online Version, there is a Museum Version of the Knowledge Space that contains more graphics, and that will be unveiled as a real and walkable installation in December 2012 at the Center for Art and Media (ZKM). It has been designed specifically for exhibition in public spaces and museums, as well as for navigation by touchscreen.
Knowledge Space (Museam Version) |
System requirements for smooth surfing through the Knowledge Space:
Browsers: Mozilla Firefox / Google Chrome
a fast internet connection (Museum: min. 25Mbit/sec, Online: min. 10Mbit/sec)
Adobe Flash Player (Attention: Google-Toolbar is not required!)